PP 27

Soon-Yi Kang, Kyoung-tark Kim, Jong Yook Park, Woo Sun Lee, Reza Sharafdini

PP 27

August 2, 2008 at Postech.


11:00-11:50, Soon-Yi Kang (POSTECH)
Combinatorial proofs of reciprocity theorems of Ramanujan and their
number theoretic interpretations.

14:00-14:50, Kyoung-tark Kim (PNU),
A remark on p-covalenced association scheme

15:00-15:50, Jong Yook Park (POSTECH)
On a class of distance regular graph with diameter three.

16:10-17:00, Woo Sun Lee (POSTECH)
On a certain class of completely regular codes.

17:10-18:00, Reza Sharafdini (PNU)
On coherent algebras with only two irreducible characters