Sang June Lee, Mitsugu Hirasaka, Norihide Tokushige, Kang-Ju Lee, Jongyook Park

Sept 16, 2017. 11am - 5:30pm at KNU
Schedule | ||
11:00am - 11:50 |
Sang June Lee Duksung Women's University | Infinite Sidon sets contained in sparse random sets of integers |
12pm - 1:25 | Lunch | |
1:30 - 2:20 |
Mitsugu Hirasaka Pusan University | On isometric sequences of colored spaces |
2:30 - 3:20 |
Norihide Tokushige University of the Ryukyus, Japan | The maximum product of measures of cross t-intersecting families |
3:30 - 4:20 |
Kang-Ju Lee Seoul Nataional University | Simplicial networks and effective resistance |
4:30 - 5:20 |
Jongyook Park Won-kwang University | On the number of vertices for non-antipodal distance-regular graphs |
Sang June Lee
Infinite Sidon sets contained in sparse random sets of integers
Infinite Sidon sets contained in sparse random sets of integers
A set $S$ of natural numbers is a Sidon set if all the sums
$s_1+s_2$ with $s_1$, $s_2\in S$ and $s_1\leq s_2$ are distinct.
Let constants $\alpha>0$ and $0<\delta<1$ be fixed, and
let $p_m=\min\{1,\alpha m^{-1+\delta}\}$ for all positive
integers $m$. Generate a random set $R\subset\mathbb{N}$ by adding $m$
to $R$ with probability $p_m$, independently for each $m$. We
investigate how dense a Sidon set $S$ contained in $R$ can be. Our
results show that the answer is qualitatively very different in at
least three ranges of $\delta$. We prove quite accurate results for
the range $0<\delta\leq2/3$, but only obtain partial results for
the range $2/3<\delta\leq1$.
This is joint work with Y. Kohayakawa, C. G. Moreira and V. Rödl.
This is joint work with Y. Kohayakawa, C. G. Moreira and V. Rödl.
Mitsugu Hirasaka
On isometric sequences of colored spaces
On isometric sequences of colored spaces
A colored space is the pair of a set $X$ and a function $r$ whose domain is $\binom{X}{2}$. Let $(X,r)$ be a finite colored space and $Y,Z\subseteq X$.
We shall write $Y\simeq_r Z$ if there exists a bijection $f:Y\to Z$ such that
$r(U)=r(f(U))$ for each $U\in\binom{Y}{2}$. Notice that, for $U,V\in \binom{X}{2}$,
$U\simeq_r V$ if and only if $r(U)=r(V)$, and for $Y,Z\in \binom{X}{3}$,
$Y\simeq_r Z$ if and only if $(r(U)\mid U\in \binom{Y}{2})$ is a replacement of $(r(V)\mid V\in \binom{Z}{2})$.
We denote the numbers of equivalence classes contained in $\binom{X}{2}$ and $\binom{X}{3}$ by $a_2(r)$ and $a_3(r)$, respectively.
In this talk we aim to classify colored spaces with $a_2(r)=a_3(r)$.
This is a joint work with Masashi Shinohara.
In this talk we aim to classify colored spaces with $a_2(r)=a_3(r)$.
This is a joint work with Masashi Shinohara.
Norihide Tokushige
The maximum product of measures of cross t-intersecting families
The maximum product of measures of cross t-intersecting families
\def\cA{\mathcal A}
\def\cB{{\mathcal B}}
\def\cF{{\mathcal F}}
For a positive integer $n$ let $[n]:=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ and let
$\Omega:=2^{[n]}$ denote the power set of $[n]$.
A family of subsets ${\mathcal A}\subset \Omega$ is called $t$-intersecting
if $|A\cap A'|\geq t$ for all $A,A'\in{\mathcal A}$.
Let $p\in(0,1)$ be a fixed real number. We define the product measure
$\mu:2^{\Omega}\to[0,1]$ by $\mu(\cA):=\sum_{A\in\cA}p^{|A|}(1-p)^{n-|A|}$
for $\cA\in 2^{\Omega}$.
Ahlswede and Khachatrian proved that if
\frac r{t+2r-1}\leq p\leq \frac{r+1}{t+2r+1}
and $\cA\subset\Omega$ is $t$-intersecting, then $\mu(\cA)\leq\mu(\cF^t_r)$,
where $\cF_r^t$ is a $t$-intersecting family defined by
$\cF_r^t:=\{F\subset[n]:|F\cap[t+2r]|\geq t+r\}$.
We extend this result to two families. We say that two families $\cA,\cB\subset\Omega$ are cross $t$-intersecting if $|A\cap B|\geq t$ for all $A\in\cA,B\in\cB$. In this case it is conjectured that $\mu(\cA)\mu(\cB)\leq\mu(\cF^t_r)^2$ for $p$ in the range given above. In my talk I will report that this conjecture is true if $t\gg r$. I will also discuss a related stability result.
This is joint work with Sang June Lee and Mark Siggers.
We extend this result to two families. We say that two families $\cA,\cB\subset\Omega$ are cross $t$-intersecting if $|A\cap B|\geq t$ for all $A\in\cA,B\in\cB$. In this case it is conjectured that $\mu(\cA)\mu(\cB)\leq\mu(\cF^t_r)^2$ for $p$ in the range given above. In my talk I will report that this conjecture is true if $t\gg r$. I will also discuss a related stability result.
This is joint work with Sang June Lee and Mark Siggers.
Kang-Ju Lee
Simplicial networks and effective resistance
Simplicial networks and effective resistance
We introduce the notion of effective resistance for a simplicial network $(X,R)$ where $X$ is a simplicial complex and $R$ is a set of resistances for the top simplices, and prove two formulas generalizing previous results concerning effective resistance for resistor networks. Our approach, based on combinatorial Hodge theory, is to assign a unique harmonic class to a current generator $\sigma$, an extra top-dimensional simplex to be attached to $X$. We will show that the harmonic class gives rise to the current $I_{\sigma}$ and the voltage $V_{\sigma}$ for $X\cup\sigma$, satisfying Thompson's energy-minimizing principle and Ohm's law for simplicial networks.
The effective resistance $R_{\sigma}$ of a current generator $\sigma$ shall be defined as a ratio of the $\sigma$-components of $V_{\sigma}$ and $I_{\sigma}$. By introducing potential for voltage vectors, we present a formula for $R_\sigma$ via the inverse of the weighted combinatorial Laplacian of $X$ in codimension one. We also derive a formula for $R_{\sigma}$ via weighted high-dimensional tree-numbers for $X$, providing a combinatorial interpretation for $R_{\sigma}$. As an application, we generalize Foster's Theorem, and discuss various high-dimensional examples.
This is a joint work with Woong Kook.
The effective resistance $R_{\sigma}$ of a current generator $\sigma$ shall be defined as a ratio of the $\sigma$-components of $V_{\sigma}$ and $I_{\sigma}$. By introducing potential for voltage vectors, we present a formula for $R_\sigma$ via the inverse of the weighted combinatorial Laplacian of $X$ in codimension one. We also derive a formula for $R_{\sigma}$ via weighted high-dimensional tree-numbers for $X$, providing a combinatorial interpretation for $R_{\sigma}$. As an application, we generalize Foster's Theorem, and discuss various high-dimensional examples.
This is a joint work with Woong Kook.
Jongyook Park
On the number of vertices for non-antipodal distance-regular graphs
On the number of vertices for non-antipodal distance-regular graphs
Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph with valency $k$ and diameter $D$, and let $x$ be a vertex of $\Gamma.$
We denote by $k_i$ $(0\leq i \leq D)$ the number of vertices at distance $i$ from $x$. In this talk, we try to quantify the difference between antipodal and non-antipodal distance-regular graphs. We will look at the sum $k_{D-1} + k_D$, and consider the situation where $k_{D-1}+k_D\leq 2k$. If $\Gamma$ is an antipodal distance-regular graph, then $k_{D-1} + k_{D} = k_D (k+1)$. It follows that either $k_D =1$ or the graph is non-antipodal. And for a non-antipodal distance-regular graph, it was known that $k_D(k_D-1) \geq k$ and $k_{D-1} \geq k$ both hold. So, this talk concerns on obtaining more detailed information on the number of vertices for a non-antipodal distance-regular graph. We first concentrate on the case where the diameter equals three. In this case, the condition $k_D + k_{D-1} \leq 2k$ is equivalent to the condition that the number of vertices is at most $3k+1$. And we extend this result to all diameters. We note that although the result of the diameter $3$ case is a corollary of the result of all diameters, the main difficulty is the diameter $3$ case, and that the diameter $3$ case confirms the following conjecture: there is no primitive distance-regular graph with diameter $3$ having the $M$-property.