Masashi Shinohara, Hyunju Yu, Chuhee Cho, Tommy R.~Jensen

May 27, 2017. 11am - 4:50pm at PNU
Schedule | ||
11:00am - 11:50 |
Masashi Shinohara Shiga University | Configuration problems from distance sets |
12pm - 1:25 | Lunch | |
1:30 - 2:20 |
Hyunju Yu KNU | Local average of code |
2:30 - 3:20 |
Chuhee Cho SNU | Improved restriction estimate for hyperbolic surfaces in $R^3$ |
3:30 - 4:20 |
Tommy R.~Jensen KNU | Prime Races |
4:30 - 5:20 |
Name Surname ?? University | TBA |
Masashi Shinohara
Configuration problems from distance sets
Configuration problems from distance sets
A finite subset $X$ of a Euclidean space is called a $k$-distance set if there exists exactly $k$ distances between two distinct points in $X$. Then there is a natural corresponding between $k$-distance sets and edge colored complete graphs by $k$ colors.
In this talk, I will introduce some topics related two-distance sets in a Euclidean space. In particular, we will focus on edge coloring problems of complete graphs
Hyunju Yu
Local average of code
Local average of code
In this talk, we only consider codes in Hamming cube,
and we discuss local average of these using Harmonic distribution.
Chuhee Cho
Improved restriction estimate for hyperbolic surfaces in $R^3$
Improved restriction estimate for hyperbolic surfaces in $R^3$
Recently, L. Guth improved the restriction estimate for the surfaces with strictly positive Gaussian curvature in $\mathbb R^3$. In this talk, we consider the restriction problem for hyperbolic surfaces in $\mathbb R^3$ and improve the previous result using polynomial partitioning.
Tommy R.~Jensen
Prime Races
Prime Races
The prime counting function $\pi$ is of central importance
in Number Theory. For a real number $x,$ the value of $\pi(x)$ is
the number of primes that are less than or equal to $x.$
Properties of $\pi$ can often be understood and studied in terms
of combinatorial probability, in particular with analogy to
the theory of Markov chains. We apply Mathematica software
that deals with arithmetic of large numbers. Using recent
algorithms for computation of $\pi,$ this allows us to
experiment with the behaviour of the prime counting function.
We suggest a new simple approximation to its asymptotic growth
and explain some relations to a theorem of Skewes and a question
posed by Riemann.
This is joint work with Enrique Garcia Moreno Esteva (University
of Helsinki).
Name Surname