Ken-ichi Shinoda, Boram Park, Ferenc Szollosi, Yasushi Gomi, Jack Koolen

March 23, 2013 at YNU
11:00–11:50, Ken-ichi Shinoda (Sophia University)
Gauss sums on finite reductive groups and character sums
13:30–14:20, Boram Park (KIAS)
The hypercompetition number of a hypergraph
14:30–15:20, Ferenc Szollosi (Tohoku University)
Large set of equiangular lines in real Euclidean spaces
15:40–16:30, Yasushi Gomi (Sophia University)
q-Analogue of Gauss sums on the symmetric groups
16:40–17:30, Jack Koolen (POSTECH)
On m-walk-regular graphs, a generalization of distance-regular graphs